Do Leaflet Drops Work
If your a business considering leaflet distribution, and wondering ‘do leaflet drops work?’, then the answer is ‘Yes!’.
The Benefits of Leaflet Distribution
Leaflet distribution is a traditional method of adverting in use for a very long time. Now in a world where consumers immerse themselves in digital devices, the world of marketing has gone digital. It’s easier than ever to reach consumers right when they are searching on Google for the products they need. Targeting niche audiences right down to the food they eat, and hobbies they enjoy through Facebook advertising. Despite the power of digital advertising, leaflet distribution is still alive!
Leaflet drops give marketers the opportunity to work within restricted budgets. As well as pin point audiences through mosaic targeting tools. All you have to do is choose your ideal audience and let leafleting do the rest. A professionally designed flyer builds trust around your brand and boosts credibility. See of the benefits of leaflet marketing:
High Readership
According to AnPost, 93% of Direct Mail is either read, filed or passed on, with one in five responding. With readership and acquisition stats that high, it makes mail drops a highly effective solution. As a standalone, or in combination with other tactics, mails drops will drive any solid marketing campaign.
Low Adverting Expense
In comparison to other forms of traditional advertising and digital marketing, direct mail offers low cost options with great ROI.
Fast Lead Generation
With one in five responding to mail drops, a strategically planned mail drop campaign at the right time can yield quick results. Unlike other marketing tactics where you have to wait patiently, direct mail is almost instant as most responses come within 2 days of delivery.
Be Creative
A well designed flyer has the power to boost your brands credibility and build trust. By making a bold statement with gloss lamination or keeping it subtle with a classic matt finish, you can get your desired effect. The sky is the limit with flyer advertising.
Pin Point Targeting
Leaflet distribution allows for pin point targeting to reach your intended audience. With geographical targeted mail drops, there is no better way to reach your audience by getting them at their door step. At the Leaflet Company, we give our customers the opportunity to use Mosaic, niche targeting tools. For optimal results, we use a team of supervised direct mail staff.
Supplements Digital Marketing
The advent of digital marketing has opened doors for a multitude of tactics to reach audiences online. However, it will never eliminate print advertising. If anything, marketers will always use print advertising to strengthen digital marketing efforts. In fact, 81% of people surveyed confirm to reading print advertising at least once per week. And 80% say they keep it for future use. With this kind of reach, it brings endless possibilities for supplementing digital marketing.
At the Leaflet Company Ireland we provide a full range of professional quality, direct mail solutions to reach your target audience. Get in touch today for a free quotation.